
Designed and developed a SQL Injection Vulnerability Scanner for web applications. This tool systematically crawls web applications to identify potential SQL injection vulnerabilities by dynamically testing various input fields. It incorporates both direct URL analysis and form interaction to simulate real-world attack vectors, providing comprehensive insights into potential security weaknesses. In addition, it has a port scanning tool to scan open, vulnerable ports at target IP addresses for further vulnerability testing. I used Python for the backend code and QT for the GUI. 

NIST Mock Situation.pdf

Using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, I analyzed and conducted an incident report analysis for a mock DDoS attack against a fictional company. I created an immediate action plan as well as a response plan for any possible future security events. 

I designed and implemented an interactive scientific calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for structure, styling, and functionality, respectively. This tool incorporates Bootstrap for responsive design and jQuery for dynamic interactivity. Feel free to play around with it!

Project Part III

I was apart of a four man team that designed and implemented a fully functional online chess game that both taught the user how to play chess as well as allowed the user to play chess with their friends. We used HTML and CSS on the front end and JavaScript and SQL on the backend. We also created all supplementary documentation of the project including use case diagrams, GUI mockups, and ER diagrams. We followed the agile methodology and had two week sprints and bi-weekly scrum meetings.

CKY Parser.pdf

As a capstone project, I utilized classes and methods to represent grammar rules, initialize and create a CKY parser, and perform sentence parsing. By constructing a parse table and filling it incrementally, I matched words against the defined grammar rules and determined the validity of sentences.

CSCI 310 Final (1).pdf

I have authored a comprehensive 7-page report on Risk Assessment and Security Recommendations for Autonomous Vehicles as part of my academic coursework. This project allowed me to delve into the complexities of cybersecurity in the context of emerging technologies. By thoroughly analyzing potential risks and providing actionable security recommendations, I have developed a strong understanding of the importance of robust security measures in cutting-edge industries.